Musings of a Neo-Renaissance Human

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I was musing the other day if a person really can ever be at peace with the constant demands of doing many things… well. This question came from the perennial conversation with my interlocutor.  The inner conversation about the enjoyment I get in making things happen on the tightrope of uncertainty working with fledgling startups and struggling organizations.  Of course, to do so requires a constant sharpening of the saw as Steven Covey said. That means staying current on trends […]

21st Century Musician = Neo-Renaissance Human

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I was musing on the word entrepreneur and what it means, or how it might manifest in the form of a musically creative person.  By that I mean one committed to creativity and music by disposition, innate ability;  —the need to… Many a doctor or lawyer possess musical ability but yielded to what some may call the pragmatism of a steady six figure occupation, and thus relegated music to avocation. The easier road taken perhaps? In viewing the word entrepreneur […]

Flux Capacitance

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I have always put time into ‘Sharpening the Saw,’ as Steven Covey would say.  Marketing products gets down to psychology and I have always been fascinated with all the variant forms of ‘How-to’ influence/affect the human condition towards a set outcome. Also interesting in these post-recessionary times rife with ever evolving economic change, that chaos has become a fact of life in the modern business environment. I have always surfed an ever-changing tide of music production and performance gigs also […]