Aperiodic Random Acts of Audio

Various mix/mastering and soundtrack projects.

 Jane Goodall Institute, Ruth Mendelson soundtrack.


FableVision animated short film featuring a wonderful Ruth Mendelson score.

Documentary by Dr. Maggie Rizzi.





Booker T Mattison Film, Ruth Mendelson score.




Feed the People – Poetry in Motion 2016 soundtrack. Poetry in Motion Group/
Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children.

A Tribute based on the poem Caroline soundtrack. Poetry in Motion Group /Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children.
Audvocalease from Audistry with animation by Conner Dunham.

Melinda Levin Film, Ruth Mendelson score.

Native American Artist/Activist Lyla June Johnson’ Sundance (Ruth Mendelson Arrangement).
The Epic Tale featuring Patty Barkas from Audnoyz Project Vol 3.

Lucky Seven Theme Audnoyz Remix of Timothy Michael Wynn’ Theme for Japan’s Top-rated Fuji Television series.

The Message Audnoyz Remix from the Quantum Quest Movie Soundtrack Release.

The G String Murders Overture by Michael Andreas Musical Director/Los Angeles Ballet .

THN (Tanz heut Nacht) Audnoyz Remix for 3rFL Music , the dance music hauz based in Koln, Germany.


 Windows On Earth is the permanent space exploration exhibit Screen shot 2014-06-08 at 12.58.22 AMScreen shot 2014-06-08 at 12.57.56 AM that can be found in science museums around the USA, with the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum and St. Louis Science Center topping the list.  And the Earth Orbits soundtrack EO Cover ArtI composed and produced commissioned by Technical Education Research Center.  Earth Orbit Reflection is an excerpt of the original 56 minute piece.